Nine Worlds Geekfest 2015


07/08/2015 - 09/08/2015    
12:00 am


Radisson Blu Hotel
Heathrow, London
7 August – 11.45am to 1pm – You’re in our world now – The invention of myths for a modern audience – County C&D

Panel event with Joanne Harris, Tom Pollock, Snorri Kristianssen, Anna Caltabiano, Pete Newman

 7th August – 5pm to 6pm  – Fika with Joanne – Room 30

Fika, also know as a Kaffeeklatsch at some conventions.  Joanne will chat literary fiction, magical realism and gastromance as well as her career in general

Fikas are small room discussions with a maximum capacity of 10 attendees.   Sign up early in the day at the All of the Books main track room



The festival is taking place at Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow from 7th to 9th August 2015

For more information of events and how to get tickets see