Autumn Leaves

ORFEIA has been out for two weeks now: thank you everyone for your support, your comments and your reviews. These things help a book so much, especially when online events are all an author can do to help gain publicity.

Thank you to all the terrific bloggers who contributed to my virtual tour: I love you all, and I appreciate your hard work immensely.

The audiobook is also out now: you can listen to a couple of clips here and here.

Here’s a talk I did for Forbidden Planet TV

…and a great review and a guest post from me at Don Jimmy reviews.

I also did an hour’s slot on the Folklore Podcast: it should air at the beginning of October, so keep an eye out for all things folklore, Orfeia and Loki-related there.

Good news on the writing front: TEN THINGS ABOUT WRITING is now available as an e-book in the US and Canada, as well as in the UK. And next month I’ll be recording the audiobook in time for the release of the hardback in December.

And finally, #Storytime has a Bandcamp page! Follow us here for new releases, artwork and music…

#StoryTime CD